Manel Valcarce presente en la Jornada de Cambios hacia la Sostenibilidad del Césped Artificial y visita CSD
Publisher: Slovak Scientific Society for Physical Education and Sport.
Printed by: DOLIS GOEN, s.r.o., Stará Vajnorská 11, 831 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
Circulation: 622 pages, 100 copies, 1st edition
ISBN: 978-80-8251-012-9
Supported: by ERASMUS + project 613045-EPP-1-2019-1-NL-SPO-SCP “New Health”
Table of Contents
New Health EU Project - For a Healthier Future! John van Heel
Exercise as a Medicine – Selected Findings from Literature Review in Slovakia. Jana Labudová - Ľubomíra Benčuriková - Ľuboš Grznár - Matúš Putala - Eva Rýzková - Martin Belás - Adriana Kaplánová
Exercise as a Medicine – Selected Findings from Worldwide Literature Review. Manel Valcarce-Torrente - Francisco Gómez-Almeida - Carla Chicau Borrego - Susana Franco - Eric Vandenabeele - Gert van Reckem - Adriana Kaplánová
Food as a Medicine – Selected Findings from Literature Review in Slovakia. Stanislav Kraček - Gabriela Kotyrová Štefániková - Adriana Kaplánová - Branislav Antala
Food as a Medicine – Selected Findings from Worldwide Literature Review. Susana Franco - Manel Valcarce-Torrente - Francisco Gómez-Almeida - Carla Chicau Borrego - Eric Vandenabeele - Gert van Reckem - Stanislav Kraček - Gabriela Kotyrová Štefániková - Adriana Kaplánová
Brain as a Medicine – Selected Findings from Literature Review in Slovakia. Adriana Kaplánová - Petra Pačesová
Brain as a Medicine – Selected Findings from Worldwide Literature Review. John van Heel - Manel Valcarce-Torrente - Francisco Gómez-Almeida - Carla Chicau Borrego - Susana Franco - Eric Vandenabeele - Gert van Reckem - Adriana Kaplánová
Summary from Literature Reviews Focused on Exercise as a Medicine, Food as a Medicine, and Brain as a Medicine. John van Heel – Adriana Kaplánová – Branislav Antala
Physical Activity and Exercise Enjoyment in a Sample of Metropolitan College Students. Eng Hoe Wee - Wei Fong Cheng - Hui Yin Ler - Ngien Siong Chin
The Effects of Innovative Tools Implemented in Singapore during Physical Education and Physical Activities of Children, Youth and Adults. Govindasamy Balasekaran - Ng Yew Cheo - Peggy Boey
The Relationship Between Attitudes and Participation Motivation Among Undergraduate Students Towards Extra-Curricular Activities During the Pandemic. Ngien-Siong Chin - Eng-Hoe Wee - Boon-Sian Teo - Arthur Ling Wei - Dana Raja A/L Narayanasamy - Matheus Chin Yan Yu
University Students' Lifestyle and Physical Activity during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Jasna Kudek Mirošević
The Application of Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of Behavioural Change Among Malaysian Undergraduate Trainee Teachers towards Physical Activity. Pei-Yi Ting - Ngien-Siong Chin - Garry Kuan - Yee-Cheng Kueh - Boon-Sian Teo – Ting-Len Lim
The Role of Recreation in the System of Physical Education of Young People with a Sedentary Lifestyle. Sergii Ivashchenko - Nataliya Kovalchuk
Effects of Peer Motivation on Sport Participation among College Students. Eng Hoe Wee - Liang Wei Wong - Wei Fong Cheng - Hui Yin Ler - Ngien Siong Chin
Functional Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System in Younger School-age Pupils. Elena Bendíková
Demographic Factors towards Online Learning Readiness of Physical Education and Sports Science Undergraduate Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ngien-Siong Chin - Kie-Yin Teng - How-Yew Lee
Characteristics of Morphofunctional Features of Men Engaged in Power Martial Arts - on Example of Arm Wrestling. Nikulin Igor Nikolaevich - Posokhov Alexey Viktorovich - Sobyanin Fedor Ivanovich – Beketov Oleg Vladimirovich -Bogacheva Elizabeth Alekseevna
Longitudinal Design of Measuring Physical Activity in Children: In Relation to Their Motor Abilities and Anthropometric Measurements. Badriya K. Al-Hadabi
The HEPAS Model: A Healthy and Physically Active School Model Promoting Physical Activity and Healthy Lifestyles in School Settings. Richard Bailey - Manolis Adamakis – Zoltan Boronyai - Jana Vašíčková - Petr Vlček – Andreu Raya Demidoff – Rose-Marie Repond - Sandra Heck - Claude Scheuer
Behavioral Disorders in Children Owing to Confinement by the COVID-19 Pandemic - Proposal of Daily Goals to Restart Physical Activity for Mental Health. Giovanni Hernández - Ricardo Ortiz Pulido - Rubén Ortiz Pulido
“Creix amb Dansa”: Healthy Active Living Project for Children and Youth, based on a Leisure Education initiative and NeuroEF principles through Dance and Physical Education. Agustí Castillo Cañiz - Nàdia Pesarrodona Rovira
Creating a Global Index Measuring Countries’ Levels of Fitness: The “World’s Fittest Countries Ranking”. Nadim Nassif - Kaissar Keyrouz
Coaches Help Czech and Slovak Teachers in Primary Schools. Jan Macháček - Branislav Antala - Diana Kosová - Martin Dovičák
Instructional Effectiveness in Physical Education: Factors for Attaining Motor Skill Equity. Ulana Lysniak - Eve Bernstein
eL CaMiNo De piEFcitos: United for a Healthy and Sustainable Physical Education. Carlos Chamorro Durán
Innovation in Physical Activity to Health Lifestyles through the Mile´s Schools Program: A Mexican Experience. Antonio Eugenio Rivera-Cisneros - Néstor Rangel Jantes- Manuel Guerrero-ZainosGabriela Murguía-Cánovas - Yesenia Lara-Mayorga - Jorge Manuel Sánchez GonzálezJuan Antonio Rivera-Ríos - Gloria Vargas-Sánchez - Ricardo Félix-Inguanzo – Felipe Horacio Gómez-Ballesteros - Marco Antonio Ojeda Macías
An International Review of the Contributions of School-based Physical Activity, Physical Education, and School Sport to the Promotion of Health-enhancing Physical Activity. Richard Bailey - Manolis Adamakis- Jana Vašíčková - Petr Vlček - Andreu Raya Demidoff - Uwe Pühse - Sandra Heck - Claude Scheuer
The Use of Speed Agility Training Aids for Developing Physical Fitness. Candrawati Ibrahim - Garry Kuan - Chin Ngien Siong - Ismail Dikoh - Nurlyn Syifaa’ Jacklyna Aban - Muhd. Dzulfikrie Hipni - Ratna Kertinie Hipni - Malisa Haziqah Mohammad Haffizie
Exploring the Efficacy of an International Immersion Program towards Building Cultural Competence for Health and Physical Education Teachers: Australia and Samoa. Matthew Winslade - Lana McCarthy - Suzie Schuster
The Professional Identity of the Physical Education Teacher. Hector Manuel Icaza Campa
Motor Education in Primary Schools in Italy, the Role of the Teacher of Motor Science in State Law. Francesco Perrotta
Issues of Outdoor Physical Education in Bibliographic Databases. Agnieszka Pasek - Barbara Griffin - Marcin Pasek
Students with Special Educational Needs Care within Physical Education Classes while Covid-19 Lockdown in the North of Mexico. Mayra Judith Jurado Neri- Ramón Alfonso González Rivas - Oscar Nuñez Enriquez – Javier Bernabé González Bustos- Ma. de los Ángeles Bibiano Mejía - Felipe Valenzuela Jurado
The Health Benefits of Physical Activity in People with Alzheimer's Disease - A Short Review. Italo Sannicandro - Rosa Anna Rosa - Giusi Antonia Toto
Physical Literacy as a Health Option for Children: Overweight and Obesity a Rising Problem. Liliana Aracely Enríquez del Castillo - Oscar Núñez Enríquez - Luis Alberto Flores Olivares
The Development and Evolution of School Sports Policies since China's Reform and Opening up. Qianyi Wang - Lin Li - Xin Liu
Importance of Physical Education in the Early Stages of the Life Cycle, for a Healthy Life. Jose Francisco Mora Núñez - Manuel Guerrero Zainos
Physical Activity at School of Children in Poland during the First Three Years of Primary Education. Aleksandra Lodzińska - Magdalena Lelonek
Percentiles of Physical Qualities in Men and Women of Primary Schools, in San Luis Potosí Mexico. Manuel Guerrero Zainos - Antonio Eugenio Rivera Cisneros - Ricardo Félix Inguanzo – Juan Sandoval Barajas
Effect of Exercises on Elderly to Prevent Fall: A Narrative Review. Wan Zhen Lee - Kueh Yee Cheng - Muhammad Hafiz Hanafi – Garry Kuan
Criticality in New Zealand Physical Education: Disrupting the Orthodoxy, Creating a New Imagery. Susannah Stevens - Ian Culpan
Physical Activity on Children and Youth – The importance for a Healthy Lifestyle. Liliana Ramos - Susana Franco - Carla Chicau Borrego
Obstacle Course Race in Physical Education Lessons: A Way to Contrast the Covid-19 Restrictions. Viviana Zito - Nicola Lovecchio
Physical Education and Physical Activities Attitude in the Preservice Physical Education Teacher in Primary School for Healthy Active Living Research. Stefania Cazzoli - Federico Abate Daga
Influencée de l'angle cuisse-tronc sur la mobilité de la chaine posturale. Djiby Guissé Diakhate - Mohamed Mansourou Lawani - Gratien Houeto - Djibril Seck
Les activités physiques et sportives au Maroc: constats, contraintes et voies d’amélioration. Abderrazak El Akari
Realités infrastructurelles, activités de loisir et perspectives d´attraction au parc urbain Bangr-Weoogo de Ouagadougou. Gouriyamba Ouedraogo - Augustin Pale - Antoine Hounga
Détermination des normes de la valeur physique liée à la santé en milieu scolaire en Algérie - 13 – 19 ans catégorie garçons. Nacer Abdelkader - Sebbane Mohammed - Belkadi Adel - Remaoun Mohamed
Le boom du fitness au Sénégal : le développement de l’activité physique pour tous à partir d’initiatives privées. Fall Ibrahima
La lutte de KÃGOR-YÕ du peuple "SAN" de Nayala au Burkina Faso: une pratique saine des enfants a sauvegarder. Boukaré Ouedraogo - Augustin Pale - Sakré Pakode
Contribution de l’Education Physique et du Sport (EPS) à la résilience communautaire par l’animation socio-éducative, sanitaire, culturelle et économique (ASCE) face à l’épidémie de la Covid-19 au Sénégal. Seck Djibril - Sèye Amadou - Ndongo Mohamed - Ndiouck Amadou - Diompy Patrick - Diouf Thierno
Gestion de l’enseignement l’Education Physique et du Sport Scolaire dans le contexte de la Covid-19 au Maroc. Abdesselam Mili
Attitudes des élèves vis-à-vis du cours d’éducation physique et sportive, perception des compétences durant la période de propagation de la Covid-19 au Gabon. Doumbeneny Jean Derlish Désiré - Tsamba Nzedy Rosamour Gassien Aymar – Boulamba Mounanga Sandra