Tendencias Fitness en España para 2025
Book: Innovation in Physical Activity and Sport. Tapasconference 2020.
Chapter: Analysis of the Sport-Related Habits of Fitness Centers Users According to Their Institutional Mobile Applications Downloads.
The digitalization and incorporation of technology in the fitness sector and sports facilities is becoming an important element in the relationship of fitness centers with their users. Consequently, there is a need to know the influence of digitalization on the habits and behavior of the users, and compare those with the behavior of users who do not use the digital tools.
This study aimed at analyzing the changes in sports habits of fitness centers users depending on whether they had downloaded the center's mobile application, or not. In order to do this, an analytical-descriptive study was carried out, with 1,285 participants (55% female and 44.8% male participants). A set of variables such as the use of the application and various sport habits (frequency, duration, level of fitness experience and activity practiced) were taken into account. Significant differences in users’ sports habits were registered from the time of registration for the fitness center and the time of this study. Differences were also observed between those who downloaded the mobile application and those who did not.
Those who used the application presented higher levels of sports activity, increasing their frequency of weekly attendance, spending more time when training and having a higher level of fitness experience than those who did not download the application. In addition, they did more group training and less swimming. A significant trend towards use of the fitness and bodybuilding room and training in the cardiovascular area was also observed. Future studies may assess the influence of technology and the use of mobile applications according to the business model of the fitness center, and depending on the customer profile (e.g. age, gender or socio-demographic condition).
#Fitnessapp #Fitnessuser #Sporthabits #Virtualfitness #Training
Valcarce M., Angosto S. (2022) Analysis of the Sport-Related Habits of Fitness Centers Users According to Their Institutional Mobile Applications Downloads. In: Sañudo Corrales B., García-Fernández J. (eds) Innovation in Physical Activity and Sport. Tapasconference 2020. Lecture Notes in Bioengineering. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-92897-1_10